Sleep Apnea
What is sleep apnoea?
Sleep apnoea is the stoppage of breathing for more than 10 seconds during sleep.
When is it considered as a disease?
When more than 10 apnoeas per hour occur.
What types of apnoea exist?
Obstructive apnoea, when the pharynx muscles collapse due to general muscle laxity during sleep. Central apnoea, when a temporary collapse of the breathing system occurs.
How can I understand that I suffer from sleep apnoea?
When more than one of the following symptoms occur frequently, and there is no pathological reason:
- Loud and irregular snoring
- Excessive fatigue & sleepiness during the day
- Morning headaches – low-grade fever
- Lack of concentration- memory loss
- Night perspiration
- Depression tendency
- Night enuresis
Is there high-risk groups?
- The 8-10% of general population and specifically the 24% of men and 9% of women of age between 30-65y.o suffer from sleep Apnoea.
- The 85% of obese persons suffer from sleep apnoea.
- The 26-42% of hypertensive patients suffer from sleep apnoea.
- The 50% of persons suffered cerebral attack show apnoea in sleep.
What are the consequences?
- Persons that do not follow a treatment while they show more than 20 apnoeas events per hour die in a 50% after 9 years.
- The risk of cerebral attack increases due to inadequate brain oxygenation.
- Cardiovascular complications occur in 33-72% due to excess heart strain during sleep.
- The risk of accident is increased due to sleepiness during driving.
How can I know that I suffer from apnoea in sleep?
Visit a Sleep Lab for a complete polysomia recording study.
If I suffer from sleep apnoea is there a cure?
The sleep apnoea can be cured with the use of CPAP appliances. The choice of a quality and modern device, following the treatment and the loss of weight can lead to impressive results.